Croeso i Blwyddyn Pedwar
Classroom Information
Teacher: Miss Summerhayes
All about Year 4
Oxwich - Mrs Williams/Miss Summerhayes
Penbryn - Miss Fabian
P.E and I.C.T
Every Monday Year 4 take part in I.C.T lessons and P.E lessons. Please make sure a labelled P.E. kit (including suitable footwear) is kept in school and only taken home for washing during the holidays. Please ensure that P.E kit is suitable for both indoor and outdoor activities.
School PE kits can be purchased from the main reception.
Homework given out on Fridays and needs to return by the following Friday
Homework will consist of Spelling, Literacy, Numeracy or topic.
Children should be reading at home on a daily basis.
Teacher: Mrs Williams
Teacher: Miss Fabian
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Craddick
Learning Support Assistant:
Mrs Beesley
Learning Support Assistant:
Mrs Kemble
Learning Support Assistant:
Miss Benbough