Croeso i Blwyddyn Un
Classroom Information
All about Year 1
Dosbarth Ogmore - Class teacher - Mrs Newberry
Dosbarth Pembrey - Class teacher - Mrs Evans/Mrs Goddard
Welcome to the Year 1 page. We hope you will find useful information here to help you see who is who and some of the class routines.
Mrs Harris supports the enhanced provision for all classes known as ‘Amser Talent’, this is where children have the opportunity to consolidate their learning through practical and creative activities.
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Winterbourne and Miss James provide extra learning support, both take groups of children and individual readers throughout the day and change the book bags daily.
Mrs Radford supports all learning for our Year 1 children and is our Thrive practitioner. Mrs Radford carefully plans activities to support the children's well-being.
Year one has a balance of focused learning and free flow activities, children are given a group name so they know when it is their turn for focused learning, ICT, music or Amser Talent.
Every day children are provided with milk and toast during snack time.
Sometimes homework is sent on a weekly basis from class teachers, which includes both literacy and numeracy, it is sent home on a Friday on the Seesaw app and is to be returned/completed by the following week. We encourage parents/guardians to assist children with their homework so you are aware of the skills they are developing. Reading homework is often sent home by Mrs Robins to encourage the recognition of key words, sounds and general reading skills. If you need any help with using or accessing the Seesaw app, please speak to a member of staff and they will be happy to help.
P.E and I.C.T
Every Thursday, all classes take turns to access the ICT resources, physical development and Well-being activities. Children need to bring appropriate PE clothing every Thursday with suitable footwear in order to take part in both indoor and outdoor physical activities. School PE kits can be purchased from the main reception.
Class teachers are available at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day once children have been dismissed if you need to discuss anything, or alternatively you can make an appointment for a convenient time.
Mrs Harris
Mrs Taylor-Gully
Miss James
Mrs Evans
Mrs Goddard
Mrs Newberry
Mrs Radford
Mrs Winterbourne