Christmas Concert Dates - click here
We are looking forward to our Christmas Concert events coming up. See below for dates and times for each year group.
NURSERY AM - 10:15am on Tuesday 3rd December. This will be held in the Nursery.
NURSERY PM - 2pm on Tuesday 3rd December. This will be held in the Nursery.
RECEPTION - 10am on Thursday 12th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 1 - 11am on Thursday 12th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 2 - 1:45pm on Thursday 12th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 3 - 2pm on Thursday 5th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 4 - 2pm on Friday 6th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 5 - 2pm on Monday 9th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
YEAR 6 - 2pm on Tuesday 10th December. This will be held in the Junior Hall.
Tickets available from Mrs Perry in the office.
Polite reminder: As the children have worked so hard in preparing for each concert, we kindly ask that young babies and toddlers do not distract from the performance.