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I am loved,

Dwi'n cael fy ngharu,

I am strong, Dwi'n gryf,

I am important, Dwi'n bwysig,

I am special.

Dwi'n arbennig.

Our Mission Statement

Find your talents and let them grow.

   Be the person you’d like to know


We have six core values that drive us every day and are role modelled through all that we do.  These are:


  • Respect

  • Care

  • Security

  • Diversity

  • Determination

  • Achievement

Our Vision

We believe in a world where all members of the Herbert Thompson community live with positive values and behaviours and have the aspirations and skills to lead happy and successful futures.

School Guidelines

       I must RESPECT:

  • Myself

  • Other children

  • All adults

  • My surroundings


I will restore any relationships I have harmed.

Respect/Barch - We listen to each other and treat everyone the way we would like to be treated; keeping hands, feet and unkind words to ourselves.

Care/Gofal - We are helpful and considerate, showing kindness to others and looking after our surroundings.

Security/Diogelwch - We look after each other and keep ourselves and others safe.

Diversity/Amrywiaeth - We respect each other's differences and celebrate our uniqueness.

Determination/Penderfyniad - We try our best o never give up even when things get tough.

Achievement/Cyflawniad - We challenge ourselves every day and work hard to achieve our goals.

School Priorities


school priorities.PNG
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