Croeso i Reception
Rest Bay
Caswell Bay
Classroom Information
All about Reception
Teacher: Mrs Beer
Teacher: Ms Paynter
Support Staff: Mrs Gouveia
Mrs Hadfield
Mrs John
Miss James
Miss Edwards
Reception is an open plan space consisting of 2 classrooms. The teachers are Mrs Paynter and Mrs Beer. Mrs Beer is our Foundation Phase Leader and she will be helping your child with Literacy/writing skills. Mrs Paynter will be helping your child to develop their numeracy/maths skills.
We have Learning Support Assistants who support the provision of our engaging Foundation Phase setting.
Miss Edwards
I will supporting the learning needs of each class. I assist
with reading and with all other areas of the curriculum.
Mrs John
I will be supporting all the children with their reading in Reception. I look
forward to helping them to learn their phonic sounds and words as they
begin their reading journey.
Mrs Gouveia
I will be helping the children to develop a positive approach to reading experiences. I encourage children to foster a love of books and develop the skills necessary to become competent early readers. Key words and sounds will be sent on the Seesaw app to allow parents to support learning at home.
Mrs Hadfield
Your child will spend lots of time with me in the outdoor area where they will develop their knowledge and understanding of the world. We will also be visiting the Willow Garden on a regular basis for forest school sessions.
Miss James
I will be working with children throughout the school day and helping them to learn in an outdoor environment. We'll be learning in “ Herbies Garage” where there will be meaningful and hands on experiences encouraging independence, risk and challenge .
Play to Learn
Play to learn is a creative fun way to develop physical skills using books, props and drama. Young children are active learners who enjoy learning through play and physical activities. Evidence suggests that movement underpins all learning and development.
Children work in small groups of 8 and would firstly listen to a story and then act out the story learning specific physical movements. At the end of the session they come together to talk about the story and what they have done.
In Reception, improving Speech, Language and Communication through Play 2 Learn activities is a focus. All children participate in a series of stimulating lessons each week. In addition our assessment of physical development allow us to track and support more able and less able pupils.