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Welcome to Nursery

Aim of our Nursery

Classroom Information
Poppit Sands

Morning session - 08.50am - 11.20am


Afternoon Session - 12.30pm - 3.00pm


Our nursery team work closely together to provide a happy, caring, secure environment in which we aim to develop high levels of emotional, social and physical well-being in all our children.

Teacher: Mrs Dickson


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Mrs Cook


As part of our healthy schools project we are committed to promoting healthy eating at nursery.


In order for us to provide these healthy snacks, we ask for a £1 contribution each week, collected on a Monday. If you would prefer to pay half termly or termly please see a member of staff.


Snack money also enables us to provide other experiences for the children e.g. visitors, theatre groups and is also used to provide extra items needed for nursery such as ingredients for cooking, play dough etc.

Teaching Assistants


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Mrs Tulk-Morgan


Miss Oyston


Mrs Burns


Learning Support Assistant:

Mrs Hall


P.E day is a Thursday and the children are taken to the hall in the main school for P.E. and asked to take off shoes and socks before we exercise.


Please try and ensure your child is dressed suitably for this (jog bottoms are a good idea) and shoes which are easy to get on and off.

Library Day

Once all our nursery children are settled they will bring home a library book every Friday which needs to be returned the following week. If your child doesn’t return their folder and book they cannot borrow  another one so please try and remember to bring it back each week. You can purchase school book bags from reception at a small cost.


Tel: 029 2056 1115

Plymouthwood Road, Ely, Cardiff CF5 4XD    

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