Humanities at Herbert Thompson
Here at Herbert Thompson Primary we are looking forward to exploring this area of learning from the new Welsh Curriculum.
The Humanties Area of Learning and Experience includes five subject areas:
•History, Geography, Religious Education, Business Studies and Social Studies.
The 'What Matters' statements are what this area of learning is centred on. They are designed to be linked and are not intended to be taken in isolation. The five 'What matters' statements for Humanities are:
•Developing an enquiring mind enables learners to explore and investigate the world, past, present and future, for themselves.
•Events and human experiences are complex, and are perceived, interpreted and represented in different ways.
•Our natural world is diverse and dynamic, influenced by physical processes and human actions.
•Human societies are complex and diverse, and are shaped by human actions and beliefs.
•Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered, ethical and sustainable action.
At Herbert Thompson we aim to develop this Area of Learning and Experience by adopting a holistic, integrated and interdisciplinary approach. We believe that the new approach to Humanities is a positive way to develop learners for future studies. Throughout our termly topics we seek to develop a sense of heritage and place through their local area, Wales and as part of the wider world. This Area of Learning and Experience is designed to encompass past, present and future, including the role of learners as citizens.
Assemblies at Herbert Thompson
Each day there is a time for us as a school to ‘Worship together’, often this takes place with Foundation phase in the infant hall and KS2 together in the junior hall. The assembly theme for each half term is linked to SEAL and one of our school values. This term our SEAL theme is ‘Good to be me’, linked to our school value of ‘diversity’. Friday of each week the children’s achievements are celebrated. These assemblies are an opportunity to celebrate children’s success, either in their work, their attitude to work or in their behaviour towards others. In foundation phase this is called Golden Leaf and children will bring home a certificate to share with you. In KS2 they are given head teacher stickers, so be on the lookout for those!
We regularly have assembly visitors such as: Rev Jan Gould from the church of the Resurrection, , Steve Harris and we have had the Rockstars a team from Scotland who taught the children morals through rock based songs. Carl Gidney has taken assemblies and led workshops this enriches our RE syllabus. Many year groups have visited the New Life church to take part in Christmas unwrapped and Easter cracked. These workshops were thoroughly enjoyed by both children and staff.
Each fortnight both KS2 and Foundation have a positive relationships assembly. This year we have been looking at the characters from Disney’s ‘Inside Out’. Each assembly children are given a new ‘Mission Possible.’ This encourages children to recognise both theirs and others emotions. There is time at each assembly for children to share where they have met their previous mission.
Assemblies are a time to celebrate and encourage a time of respect and understanding of others. Through class assemblies, the rest of the school are taught about various religious festivals and beliefs. Our RE scheme of work focuses on Christianity, Judaism and Islam and particularly on how faith impacts the lives of believers. In the past we had a visit to the school from a man called Boris, who demonstrated the Islamic washing ‘wudu’ before prayer. It was a great opportunity for children to ask questions and discover how the Muslim faith impacts a Muslim’s life. At Herbert Thompson we are a school that promotes respect, not only for themselves but also for others. During Collective Worship and through RE, this is promoted.