Helping your child at home
To enable your child to come to school ready to learn ensure:
Your child has had a good night’s sleep and ‘calm time’ before bed
Your child has had a good breakfast or attends Breakfast Club
Your child’s attendance is above 95%
Your child arrives on time
Your child is not unnecessarily exposed to things that might affect their emotions and wellbeing
Your child is not accessing inappropriate content via the internet or playing games that are not appropriate for their age
Your child is supported to meet their targets
To support your child in the home you can:
Chat about their school day and ask what is going well and how you can support any improvement
Complete homework tasks together
Read together at bedtime
Actively involve them in everyday activities, eg. shopping, list writing, cooking, reading signs
Display praise cards, stickers, certificates and awards from school with pride
Praise, praise, praise!
We use iPads to enage and promote creativity in the pupil's learning. They are an excellent resource for home learning. Click on the link below to see what apps we currently have on our school iPads and download them via itunes.
Useful Websites that will help your child
The NHS Direct Wales website is the main NHS portal in Wales for consumer health information and is a source of information that can assist you in managing your own and families health.
The NHS Direct Wales website has an A-Z encyclopaedia of conditions, tests and treatments with topics like head lice and chickenpox . There is also a full childhood vaccination schedule and information about each vaccine.
One of the newer features is a head lice symptom checker which will allow you to assess you child’s symptoms and give useful information and advice on what to do next.