The Governing Body at Herbert Thompson Primary
Welcome to the Governors area. The Governors of the school are responsible for the staffing, finance, premises, curriculum and future planning of the school.
The Governors work very closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team; providing effective challenge and support.
Local Authority Representatives
Maliika Kaaba
Mrs Louise Lynn (acting vice chair)
Dr Carole Jones
Elected Parent Representatives
Mrs Sam Watkins
Mrs Zoe Smith
Dr Leanne Freeman
Community Governors
Mr. Steven Harris (Chair of Governors
Mr Mike Tate
PC Paul Tebbutt
Teacher Representative
Mrs Chloe Lazenby
Non-Teaching Representative
Mrs Kathryn Hughes
Mrs Sheena Marsh
Mrs Angela Jones (Deputy Headteacher)
Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs Pam Cotter
Please click to download our latest Governors report below. Our Annual Report for 2022 will be published very soon.