English as a 2nd Language (EAL)
Reading tips for parents
Below you will find some reading tips for home learning -
High School admissions information
Please click the links below for advice on admissions from Year 6 to Year 7.
On this website there are some stories in your own language you may like to read with your child.
Pe acest site există unele povești în limba dumneavoastră ați putea dori să citiți cu copilul dumneavoastră
على هذا الموقع هناك بعض القصص بلغتك الخاصة التي قد ترغب في قراءتها مع طفلك
فيما يلي بعض مواقع الويب التي قد تجدها مفيدة لمساعدة طفلك على تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية. لديهم الكثير من الألعاب للاختيار من بينها.
Iată câteva site-uri web pe care le puteți găsi utile pentru a vă ajuta copilul să învețe limba engleză. Ei au o mulțime de jocuri pentru a alege de la.
Here are some websites that you may find useful to help your child to learn English. They have lots of games to choose from.