Junior Sports Day - 11th July
Sports day for years 3 to 6 will take place on Wednesday 11th July. This year it will be held at Leckwith Stadium, Leckwith Rd, Cardiff...
Year 6 Leavers Party - 5pm-7pm, 5th July
The Year 6 children will be celebrating their time at Herbert Thompson Primary School on Thursday 5th July, 5pm - 7pm. We look forward to...
Reception Sports Day - 5th July
Reception sports day will take place on 5th July (timings to follow). The sports events will take place on the bowling green adjacent to...
Sports Day Year 1 - 4th July
Sports Day for all year 1 children will take place on 4thJuly at 1:30pm. All parents and carers are welcome to come and support the...
Nursery Big Toddle - 3rd July
The Nursery Big Toddle event will begin at 10:45am for morning children and 2:30pm for afternoon children. We welcome all parents and...
Nursery Sports Day - 21st June
There will be two nursery sports day events - morning 10:15am start and afternoon 2pm start. The sports events will take place on the...
Sports Day Year 2 - 20th June
Sports Day for all year 2 children will take place on 20th June at 9:30am. All parents and carers are welcome to come and support the...
Royal Wedding Celebrations - 18th May
To celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle all pupils are invited to wear red, white and blue on Friday 18th May. The...
Year 4 Trip to Mountain View Ranch - May 17th
Year 4 will be spending a very exciting day in Mountain View Ranch. Please see Year 4 staff for further details if needed.
Parent Council Relaunch - 14th May 2:30pm
We would like to invite parents/carers to join us on Monday 14th May in the Hub at 2:30pm for our Parent Council relaunch. We need your...