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Additional Learning Needs at Herbert Thompson



At Herbert Thompson Primary we care greatly about the welfare and education of EVERY child.


At Herbert Thompson Primary we have a shared vision where staff, governors, parents

and children work together in partnership to provide every child with the best education

possible. We have a committed team of staff who work with our children in group settings

and on an individual level. This is in order to ensure all children feel happy and secure,

working within a safe environment in order to realise their full academic potential.

Interventions that take place are tailored to meet the needs of individual pupils and all

teachers meet regularly to monitor progress and plan the way forward.


We have rigorous systems and processes in place at Herbert Thompson Primary that ensures that ALL children’s attainment, progress and attendance is closely monitored, tracked and discussed at set times in the year. Appropriate provision is put in place in order to meet the needs of our children striving to break down any barrier to learning.










​Our systems and processes include:


‘Learning Reviews’


  • Reviews are carried out with all individual class teachers and the ALNCO in November and June.

  • Pupil information and attainment data is analysed to identify progress against all individual pupils’ targets

  • Pupils’ needs are reviewed and identified based on available evidence

  • Pupil Profiles are updated to meet the changing needs of our children and record of all support a child has received to date

  • Possible barriers to attainment and ‘Further Actions’ are identified and recorded for class teachers and the ALNCO to action following Learning Reviews.



‘Mini Learning Reviews’


  • Reviews are carried out with all Learning Support Assistants (including nominated adults and support LSAs) and the ALNCO in January and July tracking pupil progress within focused support and interventions and against individual targets for those pupils who have designated support

  • Intervention and individual pupil tracking data is analysed to identify progress

  • Possible barriers to attainment and ‘Further Actions’ are identified

  • Amendments are made to interventions, as appropriate, to improve and maximise the impact of provision and support

  • The impact of interventions and support is reviewed at the end of the year by the ALNCo and LSAs































Additional Learning Needs


Additional Learning Needs (ALN) is the term now used to describe pupils who were previously known as having Special Educational Needs (SEN). 

The way pupils are recognised as having ALN is changing. Parents, pupils and other professionals will be invited to a Person Centred Planning (PCP) meeting to discuss the pupils’ needs and decide ways forward. In the PCP meeting, everyone’s thoughts are recorded and the questions that we consider are:

  • What do we like and admire about the pupil?

  • What is important to the pupil?

  • What is working well?

  • What could be better?

  • What is important for them moving forward?


At the PCP meeting, it may be decided that your child doesn’t have ALN that requires Additional Learning Provision (ALP) in which case they would not be added to the ALN register. ALP is support and provision put in place that is in addition to and different from what would normally be offered to support a pupil. Alternatively, it may be agreed that your child does have ALN which requires ALP, this will be set out in an Individual Development Plan (IDP) that will set out targets and support in place to help achieve these. IDPs are required to be reviewed annually through a PCP meeting. 


The four areas of ALN are identified as:

  • Communication and interaction

  • Cognition and learning

  • Sensory and/or physical

  • Behavioural, Emotional and Social


If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or contact Mrs Moore (ALNCo). 


At Herbert Thompson Primary, we pride ourselves in forming positive and mutually respectful partnerships with parents, families and outside agencies to solely support the children in our care and their progress in all areas.

Please contact the school if you are concerned about the support your child is able to access. We will work together to solve any concerns.  If you feel that we cannot sufficiently address your concerns, Snap Cymru is an organisation that provides support and advice to parents and pupils and will also work with schools to resolve problems. 


Useful websites for information and support:



Together, we are stronger and can work in partnership to achieve positive outcomes for all.


Together we can’‘Find your child’s talents and let them grow’






Additional Learning Needs Coordinator - Mrs Moore

Tel: 029 2056 1115

Plymouthwood Road, Ely, Cardiff CF5 4XD    

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