Thank you for visiting our school website. As the Headteacher of Herbert Thompson Primary, it is with love and pride that I introduce you to our school.
Herbert Thompson is a primary school on the west side of Cardiff, meeting the needs of children of all abilities aged 4-11. We have a Flying Start provision on site, which caters for children aged 2-3.
Herbert Thompson is a very special place and is well respected by everyone who comes into contact with it. In everything we do we strive for excellence and this is noticed by all who attend our school and by those who visit.
Our school moto is ‘Find your talents and let them grow. Be the kind of person you’d like to know’.
Our vision is that all Herbert Thompson pupils will leave our school with the values, skills and aspirations to be successful in the next stage of their lives.
There are six values at the core of our school community:
• Care
• Determination
• Respect
• Diversity
• Security
• Achievement
At Herbert Thompson children learn the meaning of these 6 values and show the values in the way they behave.
As a school community we believe positive relationships are the key to success for all. Herbert Thompson is proud to have positive relationships between staff, pupils, parents, outside agencies, the local authority and other educational settings around the world.
‘Relationships are exemplary and this contributes greatly to pupils’ self -worth, confidence and personal development.’ (National Quality Award 2011)
As a staff we believe passionately that children need to be inspired in order to make progress. We work tirelessly to ensure learning and teaching is of the highest quality and is inspirational. We have made extensive links with the wider community to ensure our children are inspired by a range of extra-curricular activities and events and meet positive role models that they can learn from and look up to.
‘External providers give generously of their time [to Herbert Thompson], not because they have to but because the want to’. (National Quality Awards)
The positive impact of Herbert Thompson is very evident in the atmosphere at the school, the expertise and professionalism of staff, the wellbeing and behaviour of pupils and in the outstanding results. For the last 5 years English results have continued to improve and English and Maths results are now higher than in any previous years. The school is the first school in Cardiff to receive the National Quality Award for Healthy Schools and has also won the ICT Mark, the Gold Cardiff Arts Mark and the International Inspiration Awards, amongst many others.
All these things make me so proud to be the Headteacher of Herbert Thompson Primary School. However, it is quite simply the children who put a smile on my face on a daily basis. They are an absolute joy and it is because of them that I have promised the school community to always give of my best. I am proud to be part of the Ely community and even more proud to be part of the Herbert Thompson family.
Please continue to search this site for lots more information about our school.
Best wishes,
Miss Hocking